Java Identifiers
Any name in java consider as identifier which is used for identification purpose.
- Identifier can be class name
- Identifier can be Label name
- Identifier can be Variable name
Allowed Character in java identifiers are :
- A to Z
- a to z
- 0 to 9
- _underscore Symbol
$Dollor Symbol also can use:
- Eg : total_number
Identifier Cant start with Number :
- Eg ;00122value
We can use numbers after the any letters:
- Eg : suresh123
Java identifier are Case Sensitive:
Eg :
- int number =10;
- int Number = 10;
- int NUMBER =10;
These three variables are different because java is case Sensitive
No length restriction in identifier in java :
- Eg : int Sureshkumarbajeer = 10; (Its valid)
We can't use reserved in java identifiers :
Eg : int if =10; String Case = "Suresh";
if we use reserved word like (if ) then we will get compile time error.
We can use pre define class as identifiers :
int String = 10; (It's Valid)
Valid Declaration in Java :
int Int 10;
String string ="Suresh";
int total =10;
int _totoal = 10;
int $cash =10;
-> In java version 9 _Underscore is a keyword . Cannot be used as identifier in the java .
-> But we can use _Underscore as the identifier till 8.0 version.
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